Thursday, December 30, 2010


I have come to realize we are starting a new year soon. A new year without my grandmother, the one who kept us all grounded and helped us keep our life in order. As we cleaned out her closet we realized how many new clothes she had that she never even touched! To her those were just things, plain and simple. We laughed at how many new night gowns she left behind and how she would always wear the same worn out night gowns to sleep in. She had tons of shoes that we are all walking around in now and she never once wore them. Again I say to HER those things were just that, THINGS, In this coming new year I pray to the lord that he may guide me and help me keep my life as simple as possible so that I too may value the true meaning of life and happiness. To her that meant always having an open door to her home for anyone who needed it or a plate of  food if they were hungry or listening to people if they needed to talk and telling them it will work out. My grandmother had a rough life, full of adversity, but she was never sour about it. It is what it is she would say, no use in crying over things, the lord knows what he is doing and why. I will strive to be as humble as she was, as loving as she was and as strong as she was.

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