Monday, January 16, 2012

Welcome 2012

So today is January 16th. 2012. It is a new year full of opportunities, this year I hope to complete my pre-requisits to apply for my program of study. Boo-boo ( My 17 year old son) will be graduating from South Mountain High School this year, which is pretty amazing, I am so proud of him. My nana Fidelia would have had her 85th birthday this year too, we miss her so much. Tia Pili is doing ok, other than the fact that she will have to undergo a bunch of tests to see if she may have celiac disease ( which basically means she will have to follow a gluten free diet for the rest of her life). She is not happy about that but I will try to help her as much as possible. I haven't posted much in a long time but I will try to keep posting more often. Mike and Andrew are doing good and so is Bianca, she is busy trying to land a job. My mama is doing good also we are doing our best to keep her out of the casino lol. I will start my classes tomorrow so wish me luck.

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