Friday, March 4, 2011

March 4th

Today was really busy at work and we will continue to be busy all week. I remember when we used to be this busy before the economy went crazy, I am feeling like we might be heading in the right direction again. Companies are having their conferences again and thats a good thing for everyone. I am doing good in my classes this semester so far, I am taking algebra 120, Medical Terminology and Intro to Healthcare, soon I will be able to sign up for my program in Medical Radiography. I can't wait! I haven't even started Anatomy or Biology and I am already amazed at what I am learning about the Human Body. Richard Jr. is getting ready to take the last of his aims tests for High School, one more year and he will graduate, I really hope he makes it so far so good. Mike and Andrew are doing great also, I have been helping them alot with their math and reading. I just bought a NOOK Reader from Barnes and Noble and they love it! And I love the fact that they are reading more.

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