Thursday, October 21, 2010

"El Transformador"

It is said that "El Transformador" first appeared in Mexico many years ago. There was a girl (name unknown) who desperately wanted to go to the town's annual fiesta, the only thing was, that her mother was really ill and she begged her daughter not to go and leave her all alone. The girl ignored her mothers plea and got dressed and fled with her friends anyway. The girls were so excited to be there dancing the night away, that's when she noticed him, nobody knew who he was but he was really handsome and to her disbelief he asked her to dance. She danced and danced with this man, she felt so happy and she could feel people's eyes burning with jealousy. The girl felt as if she was floating on air so just to check she looked down. That's when she noticed! He wasn't so perfect after all, he had one pig foot and one chicken foot! She started to scream and as she ran away there was a potent smell of sulfur that made every one's eyes burn. Other people noticed the mans feet as they ran in total shock. The girl's friends could not find her, they looked everywhere, finally they went to her house, only to find her dead mother. The girl was never seen again. That is how the "El Transformador" sub-culture got started. Witnesses tried to tell the story of the man with one pig foot and one chicken foot and the abundant smell that followed. The town's people thought they were just crazy. Desperate to prove that they were not crazy, a few of these people started a secret ritual every year to try to prove that he was real. Every year on the 6th. of June, at 6:00 a.m. they bring forth someone who is worthy of a lesson from "El Transformador". They begin at midnight and they dress in black, making sure to cover their face, around their necks they wear necklaces with one pig foot and one chicken foot hanging from them. If he doesn't come then they have to finish the sacrifice themselves and offer that sacrifice to "El Transformador" in order to save themselves. There have been reports of that same, intense smell but not a sighting. Some people say that he comes in different forms, he is never the same, that is why they have never seen that particular man again. He came in the form of the girls dream, he was who she wanted him to be: tall, dark,and handsome. Others have been known to kill for revenge in the name of "El Transformador". There was a man who had a beautiful family, he and his wife had five girls. On one horrific day his oldest daughter was raped and murdered, he set out to find her killer and when he found him he tortured him to death. The police came for the father and all he said was that the spirit of "El Transformador" told him where to find his daughters killer, and exactly how to kill him. Many people worship "El Transformador" and pray to him when they are in need of some justice. They believe that he helps make the world a better place by coming after those who do wrong in his eyes. They named him "El Transformador" because you never know how or what he will appear as. "El Transformador" ("The Transformer").

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